
Tapalapa Ecological Reserve

The Zone Subject to Ecological Conservation (Zona Sujeta a Conservación Ecológica) "Tzama Cun Pümy", which means "Quetzal Mountain" in Zoque, is located in northern Chiapas, in a large area of ​​mountain ranges that are constantly irrigated by the humid winds from the Gulf of Mexico, allowing for the existence of majestic Humid Montane Forests and Low land Rainforest, where the trees are filled with life, embellished with endless bromeliads, orchids, ferns, philodendrons, piperaceae and mosses. In this lush habitat, it is possible to find the magnificent Resplendent Quetzal, the Blue-throated Motmot, the Mountain Elaenia, the Elegant Euphonia, and the incredibly charismatic Blue-crowned Chlorophonia.


Birds that can be watched:Black Chachalaca / Penelopina nigra, Band-tailed Pigeon / Patagioenas fasciata, White-faced Quail-Dove / Zentrygon albifacies, Mexican Green Violetear / Colibri thalassinus, Magnificent Hummingbird / Eugenes fulgens, Green-throated Mountain-gem/ Lampornis viridipallens, White-eared Hummingbird / Basilinna leucotis, Azure-crowned Hummingbird / Saucerottia cyanocephala, Chicken Hawk, Hen Hawk / Buteo jamaicensis, Resplendent Quetzal / Pharomachrus mocinno, Collared Trogon / Trogon collaris, Blue-throated Momoto / Emerald Toucanet or Northern Emerald-Toucanet / Aulacorhynchus prasinus, Acorn Woodpecker / Melanerpes formicivorus, Hairy Woodpecker / Dryobates villosus, Spot-crowned Woodcreeper / Lepidocolaptes affinis, Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner / Anabacerthia variegaticeps, Mountain Elaenia / Elaenia frantzii, Northern Tufted Flycatcher / Mitrephanes phaeocercus, Yellowish Flycatcher / Empidonax flavescens, Black-throated Jay / Cyanolyca pumilo, Unicolored Jay / Aphelocoma unicolor, Black-capped Swallow / Atticora pileata, Rufous-browed Wren / Gray-breasted Wood-Wren / Henicorhina leucophrys, Blue-and-white Mockingbird / Melanotis hypoleucus, Brown-backed Solitaire / Myadestes occidentalis, Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush / Catharus frantzii, Black Thrush / Turdus infuscatus, Elegant Euphonia / Chlorophonia elegantissima, Blue-crowned Chlorophonia / Chlorophonia occipitalis, Common Bush-tanager or Common Chlorospingus / Chlorospingus flavopectus, Golden-browed Warbler / Basileuterus belli, Slate-throated Redstart / Myioborus miniatus, Flame-colored Piranga or Flame-colored Tanager / Piranga bidentata, Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer / Diglossa baritula.