
Waldemar Santamaria

Waldemar Santamaria Rivero

Waldemar Santamaria Rivero, a biologist with a Master's in Biological Sciences, embarked on his journey into the study and conservation of birds in the Yucatan Peninsula two decades ago. He has contributed significantly to bird monitoring in the Ria Lagartos reserve for CONANP and in the Sian Ka'an reserve for Amigos de Sian Ka'an. Waldemar is also credited as the author and co-author of four scientific articles and two book chapters. For three years, he served as a volunteer reviewer for the ebird platform (aVerAves) for the state of Quintana Roo. Since 2014, Waldemar has taken on the role of Coordinator of the Sal a Pajarear program for the Fundación Transformación Arte y Educación.